...look back & look forward, reflect & reassess, twist & untwist, bind & unbind ...
Health & Fitness Enthusiast, Life Scientist & Practitioner, Conscious Consumer
With over 20 years of experience in martial arts and over a decade in the practices of healing arts Jeff Harper has been dedicated to improving himself with more vibrant health and helping others along the way to better themselves through health and fitness.
Through grueling practice and competition’s he was certified as a Muay Thai Kickboxing Instructor in Thailand. After returning to the United States he began incorporating more flexibility exercises into his routine by taking up some Yoga classes. But he quickly learned that Yoga had challenges beyond just performing with flexible limbs, it also needed a flexible mind. Physical flexibility seemed but a byproduct of this ancient art.
This awakened an inner movement that started an entirely new journey that took him to ‘The land of light’ Mother India.
After about three years of studying, practicing and living in various ashrams through out India. He was certified a Yoga Teacher.
Upon returning once more to the states but with a whole new vision started to reintegrate back into the west. Once seeing both the east and west’s similarities they had towards health and fitness there ignited a great ambition to share and combine these seemingly diverse practices.
Compelled further from practicing a vegetarian diet for the past 15 years he decided to get a certification in Plant-based Nutrition.
“I support the ethical practices in businesses of attaining honey and ghee from bees and cows. Therefore I'm not classified as a ‘pure vegan’. I see life as a continual exploration in experimentation, more experiment's, more experience, progress not perfection."
Health is Life, Life is Love, Loving Life is Living Love.