"There's a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: If a fish is swimming in a dirty tank and it gets sick, do you take it to the vet and amputate the fin? No, you clean the water. So, I cleaned up my system." ~ Kris Carr
So now that you’ve begun incorporating drinking more water into your lifestyle, you might have wondered, like I did, if all of this water is good for me. So let’s break this formula of H2O down. Many cities, especially New York, believe they have the cleanest water, but if you check your local government website, you might be surprised. This made me begin to consider buying bottled water. If you’d like to see the annual drinking water report for your city, you can begin by looking here: http://water.epa.gov/drink/local/. But this is another story.
Let’s start by talking about pH. “pH” is short for “potential of hydrogen.” The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, and a pH of 7 is neutral. Alkaline is above neutral 7 and Acidic below neutral 7. Most tap, bottled and natural spring water is between 5-8pH. And the body’s pH balance is an important factor in balanced health. Blood pH is optimal at 7.35 to 7.45. There are two types of pH acidosis, the below neutral state which causes the imbalances in our body’s. These states actively influence the risk for osteoporosis, fractures and kidney stone formation and possibly diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and thyroid problems among other things. When the body’s fluids become too acidic, minerals are pulled out of bones and tissues to compensate to bring back homeostasis. Continual acidosis can lead, in the long term, to thinner bones and lower muscle mass. Here are some common symptoms of each.
Respiratory Acidosis:
✓ Fatigue
✓ Confusion
✓ Shortness of breath
✓ Lethargy
Metabolic Acidosis:
✓ Rapid and shallow breathing
✓ Confusion
✓ Fatigue
✓ Headache
✓ Sleepiness
✓ Lack of appetite
✓ Breath that smells fruity – this is a sign of diabetic acidosis/ketoacidosis.
“When body pH drops below 6.4, enzymes are deactivated, digestion does not work properly, vitamins, minerals and food supplements cannot effectively assimilate. Acid decreases energy production in the cells, the ability to repair damaged cells, the ability to detoxify heavy metals, and makes the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness. Your body pH affects everything. Research has proven that disease cannot survive in an alkaline state, and that, viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in an acidic, low oxygen, low pH environment.” –Dr. Keiichi Morishita[i]
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a high consumption of potassium, found in fruits and vegetables, were strongly linked to muscle preservation in people age 65 and older.
Studies have shown that supplements of potassium bicarbonate and especially potassium citrate can counteract an acid-forming diet and reverse osteoporosis.[ii] In a study published in Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 161 postmenopausal women with low bone mass were given 1,080 mg of potassium citrate or 2,250 mg of potassium chloride daily for one year.[iii] Results: At the end of the study, the control group (those taking potassium chloride) showed an average bone-density loss at the lower spine of 1%, while the group taking potassium citrate had a nearly 2% increase at the lower spine and the hip.
The WHO does recommend your tap water pH be in the range of 6.5 to 8.0 so as not to corrode your pipes. A pH less than 6.5 may contribute to the corrosion of pipes and fixtures.
Another clinical study indicated, “A pH 8.8 alkaline water instantly denatures pepsin, rendering it permanently inactive. In addition, it has good acid-buffering capacity. Thus, the consumption of alkaline water may have therapeutic benefits for patients with reflux disease.”[iv]
Chart from UrParamount.com
When I’m running around the city for the day and I need water, these are the brands that I use:
And if you really want to step up to a purer water, you can get a home filtration system.
[i] Morishita, Keiichi. Hidden Truth of Cancer. Chicago: George Oshawa Macrobiotic Foundation, 2010.
[ii] http://www.bottomlinepublications.com/component/mtree/article/natural-remedies/is-your-body-too-acidic
[iii] Ibid.
[iv] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22844861